Monday, December 15, 2008

Playing For Pizza by J. Grisham - Ch. 26-31

Livvy and Rick went to a resort in the town of Sirolo. The game was against Ancona and would decide if the Panthers would make the playoffs or not. The game was a rather easy one, Ancona had only won one game. The Panthers won and would be playing the Bologna Warriors in the playoffs. Rick and Livvy stayed at the beach for one more day and then on the way home they stopped at a couple little villages and wineries.
Rick and Livvy went to Tommaso's house for dinner.  Tommaso or Tommy was the oldest player on the Panthers and will only retire when the Panthers win their first superbowl. The team plays Bologna this week in the playoffs. The game was high scoring and the Panthers won 51-27. They would be going to the Superbowl for the first time in Panther history.
Rick and Livvy go to Venice because there is a two week gap between the playoff game and the superbowl. Rick makes a deal with Livvy that he will only visit two cathedrals or castles a day. Rick enjoys it more than he thought he would. Rick goes back to Parma for football while Livvy stays in Venice for a few more days. Rick and Livvy talked about maybe staying in Italy together
Rick was visited by two private investigators who were looking for Livvy. Livvy's father had sent them and gave Rick a one way ticket to Georgia for Livvy. Her visa was expired and if she took the trip back to Georgia no questions would be asked. Livvy says she will never return on her fathers terms only on hers. She thinks one of the Panther players could fix her visa problem.
The Superbowl was held in Milan. The Panthers were playing the Bergamo Lions. The game was very tough and the Lions were up 3-0 at halftime. In the locker room Rick made a speech about how he loved playing on the team. The second half was just as intense as the first maybe more. With little time left in the game Rick had to make a split second decision. He had Fabrizio running down field, but Maschi was charging right at him, would he throw the ball and get killed by Maschi or run the ball for safety. Rick threw the ball as far as he could and Maschi hit him hard right under the Jaw, Fabrizio dived at the five yard line and caught the ball in the end zone. The Panthers won their first Superbowl ever.
The team gathered at a local Pizzeria in Milan to celebrate after the game. They replay the game video for all to watch. A few days later back in Parma Sam asks Rick if he will be back next year. Rick says he doesn't know because he thinks he suffered a fourth concussion when Maschi hit him. Rick does not remember celebrating with the team. Rick said he will get back to Sam after he goes to the beach to think about it. Livvy has a bunch of travel plans for the two of them.

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