Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Playing For Pizza by J. Grisham - Ch. 13-14

The day after the win against Naples, Rick went to Signor Bruncaro's house. His wife was very attractive, thin and very young. When Sam arrived with Anna the conversation became a lot easier and they talked about the win. After drinks and appetizers they all left on foot to the opera house. Signor Bruncardo had a expensive box that looked over the crowd, orchestra and the stage. When Otello's wife came into the play Rick admired her and found her very attractive. She played Desdemona, but her name was Gabriella, she was petite and thin. When she sang a duet with Otello, Rick thought she was wonderful but the spectators in the "cheap seats" actually booed her. Rick felt sorry for Gabriella and wanted to find a way to go back to see Otello again.
Rick and the other Americans were invited to many dinners. They went to dinner with Pietro and his wife, Ivana. Rick looked around the small dining room and saw a beautiful young lady sitting at a table with a guy. They were talking very unpleasantly, then he noticed it was Gabriella. She seemed sad and he noticed she was crying. After dinner he was trying to park his car in a small ally way and was having a lot of trouble. There was a bunch of cars waiting for him, then some girl went and pulled the Fiat into the tiny space without a problem. He noticed it was Gabriella again and yelled her name. She came back and they went out for a drink. They talked about everything and had a good time. Gabriella said she will get him a ticket for Wednesday night's performance of Otello. The next day they met for lunch and talked for a while and then went to a gelato stand for desert. After there goodbyes Rick went to the gym and all he thought about for next two hours was Gabriella.

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