Monday, December 15, 2008

Playing For Pizza by J. Grisham - Ch. 21-25

Rick went to Toronto to talk to Rat Mullins about playing football in the Canadian football league. Rick turned his offer down and said he couldn't leave his team in the middle of the season. Then he took a flight to Cleveland. He went to the Cleveland Post building and said he was Roy Grady from the Cleveland Indians. He went to see Charley Cray, when he got in his office he took off the baseball hat and shoved Cray. He grabbed him by the throat and said "its me, Rick Dockery, your favorite goat." Rick punched Cray in the Jaw, and left the building and headed back to Italy.
Friday and Saturday of that week Rick and Livvy, the Georgia Student, toured Parma. Friday night when they went to Polipo's for dinner with the team Livvy was introduced to everyone. When Sunday came they had to play the Rome Gladiators in the pouring rain, it was a mud bowl. The Panthers won. Rick said goodbye to Livvy Sunday night at the train station. He was exchanging emails that night with his mom and Arnie. He also sent an email to Gabriella telling her there would be no need for further contact.
While getting ready play the Bolzano Giants Rick thought about playing the NY Giants in the Meadowlands. The game against Blozano was challenging but the Panthers still won 56-41. Next week they were playing Bergamo the biggest game of the year and the players were already getting anxious about it. While sitting in the locker room and looking around at all the players Rick realized that he was happy with himself.
The Panthers  Are getting ready for their big game on Sunday against the Bergamo Lions. Livvy showed up in Parma with her luggage and rick wondered how long she will be staying with him. They went sightseeing and visited some castles, Livvy enjoyed seeing them while Rick did not. On Saturday they explored a couple more churches in Parma. Saturday night the team went to Cafe Montana for a pregame meal, there was no women present, the little restaurant could barely hold all the players. Sam sent everyone home before eleven.
It was game day and the locker room was very intense. The game was hard and brutal. Maschi, the Lions middle linebacker and their best player, was taunting rick by calling him goat. Then Rick called out their special play "Kill Maschi", their would be large hole in the center of the line so that Maschi would blitz on Rick and then Franco would come out of nowhere and hit Maschi with the element of surprise. The play worked beautifully and the hit was tremendous. The game was very violent and very intense. The Panthers beat Bergamo 35-14. 

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