Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Playing For Pizza by J. Grisham - Ch. 15-16

 Rick went to see Otello for the second time after Wednesday's practice. After the first act Rick started clapping for Gabriella and the rest of the crowd joined in. After the play Rick and Gabriella went out for a drink. They were talking about football and how she wanted to see a game. The final performance of Otello was on Sunday so Rick convinced her to stay in Parma another week to see a game. 
The three Americans left for Milan Friday night with Aggie and Paolo as their guide. They all went out to eat even though the Americans would have been happy grabbing something on the run. On Friday and Saturday night they went out to clubs and bars. When Sunday came they all had a hangover. They were playing the Milan Rhinos who were not a very good team. They were playing a terrible game due to their hangovers, they were fumbling the ball, passes were uncatchable and the quarterback seemed slow. They lost the game 34-6. On the bus ride home Rick sat by himself and the coaches were not happy with his performance.
Rick apologized to Sam and assures him it won't happen again. Sunday's performance of Otello was disastrous for Gabriella. She hesitantly explained this over a light lunch. Trying to cheer her up Rick talked about his performance also. Then she informed him she was leaving for Florence in a few hours because she needed to get away from the pressure of the stage. This broke her promise of staying another weak.
Rick was sitting in the locker room when sly came in. He was looking for Sam. Rick wanted to know what was wrong. Sly said he had to go home, his wife was pregnant and she needed him. They said their final goodbyes and he left, Rick will probably never see him again.

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