Friday, November 21, 2008

Playing For Pizza by J. Grisham - Ch. 6-7

Rick goes to Cafe Montana with Sam to meet up with some of the team members. Nino the center of the panthers owns the cafe. They look up to Rick, thinking that he will lead their team to the Superbowl. Rick looks at the players and getting worried that some of the players are not big enough. Rick loves the food in Parma and is eating a lot.
The next day Rick was sleeping in his apartment when the door bell woke him up. It was the police. The police said that there was noise complaints and would not elaborate. The only thing they said is he had to see the judge. When Rick walked into the office, the judge introduced himself as Franco, he was the Panther's fullback. In Franco's office there was a lot of pictures and sports memorabilia of Franco Harris, a professional football player in the U.S. They talked about this memorabilia and other topics, they also watched clips of Franco Harris and then some clips of the Panthers. Rick had to see the judge not for a noise complaint but an introduction to meet his new fullback.

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