Friday, November 21, 2008

Of Mice And Men by J. Steinbeck

The main characters in this book are George, Lennie, Curley, Curley's wife, Candy, Crooks and Slim. George and Lennie are companions, George is small, and Lennie is humongous in size. They start off at a Stream close to the Salinas river, they were leaving their old job and traveling to their new one. George and Lennie's dream is to own their own little farm together, their dream keeps them working hard and their friendship close. While on the farm Lennie has a puppy but does not know his own strength and accidentally kills it. This is common with Lennie, he used to have mice and killed them too because of his tremendous strength. Lennie was in the barn petting his dead little pup, when Curley's wife walks in. Curley's wife starts a conversation with him, and then tells him to stroke her soft hair. She was startled by Lennie's strong hands and started screaming, This frightened Lennie so he covered her mouth, in doing so he broke her neck and killed her. Knowing he did something wrong, he ran to the stream. George found him there and killed Lennie, putting him away from the painful torture the other ranch workers would have done.

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