Thursday, March 26, 2009

ADHD Article Response

The article was very interesting. I learned a lot about ADHD that I never knew. It was interesting that there is no cure for ADHD and that the drugs for it only affect 3% to 5% of kids that use them. I also never knew that their working memory is weak, so they can't remember half of the directions that are given to them. Tis article on ADHD was very interesting and told me a lot of stuff I did not know.
The experiment that Rapport did was very interesting also. The way he put that device on their wrist to measure how much they move. I found it very interesting how when they did the test the kids fidgeted and when they watched the Star Wars clip they all stayed still. The experiment that Rapport did was very smart of him.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Twelfth Night by Shakespeare Act 1 Reflection

There are a lot of different things going on in the Twelfth Night. I don’t know why viola has to pretend to be a eunuch. I also think that sir Toby and Sir Andrew set a bad example for kids because they are always drunk. The language in the Twelfth Night is a little bit hard to understand but it is easier with the translations there. It is a little confusing but all in all it is pretty good.

            Viola is pretending to be a eunuch in the play so she can be with Duke Orisino. I think that you should be who you really are. It is almost degrading to women because he can respect her when she is a boy but not a girl. It is also causing a problem because Olivia likes Cescario who is really Viola and Viola does not like Olivia. I don’t feel that Viola had to become Cesario, I think it was a big mistake.

            Sir Toby and Sir Andrew are always drunk and I think that it sets a bad example. Now people can think that being constantly drunk is a good thing. kids may think that being drunk is a good thing because Maria basically told Sir Andrew to go and get drunk. Being drunk all the time is not a good quality to have and it is not good thing for people to remember you by.

            Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is a pretty good book from what I have read so far. It was a little confusing but I’m getting used to the writing and I understand what is going on better. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book to find out what happens. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 10 pg254

A couple days ago on Halloween we were at the school. Scout and I walked there and back together. On the way there Cecil Jacobs had scared us, so on the way back we heard something and thought it might have been him again. All of a sudden someone jumped out we didn't know who he was. He grabbed me and I fought back. He broke my arm and then I passed out couldn't remember anything else. Scout said she saw someone carrying me home. She said it was Boo Radley I didn't believe her but Atticus backed her up. They also said it was Bob Ewell who was trying to hurt me. He ended up killing himself with his own knife. It was a crazy day

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 9 pg162

Today was Tom Robinson's trial. We went into the courtroom after Atticus was already in because we didn't if he would want us in there. The court house was packed, all the white people were on the floor and the negroes were on the balcony. We sat with Reverend Sykes p on the balcony because there was no were else to sit. The trial was very interesting. I thought we would win, by the way Atticus was defending Tom. The jury was out of the room for two hours making their decision. When they came out the said Tom Robinson was guilty. We were very disappointed because we knew Tom did not do anything. It was a sad day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 8 pg149

Tonight I decided to take a walk downtown to see where Atticus went. We went and got Dill and we made our way into the town. We saw a light outside the jail, there normally isn't one there. Dill saw a long extension cord going toward the light it was Atticus sitting outside the jail. A long chain of cars pulled up in front of the jail, we knew something wasn't right. I think they wanted to hurt Tom Robinson. Then Scout ran out to Atticus, this was not good. Scout started to have a conversation with Mr. Cunningham. She was telling him that she knew his son Walter. This conversation ended up ending all the commotion, and everyone went home.

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 7 pg127

Today Aunt Alexandra came to visit, she said that she was going to stay for a while. In Maycomb County that could mean a few days or a long time. I asked her if Uncle Jimmy was coming too, but she said that he was going to be staying at the Landing. It was nice to see Aunt Alexandra I just wondered how long she would be staying. It was unusual for her to visit and I had a feeling there was a reason for her being here and I didn't know what it was.

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 6 pg118

Today Calpurnia took us to her church, First Purchase. While we were walking up This one lady wanted to know why Cal brought us to a black church. She didn't like the fact that there was going to be white children in the black church. She was the only one who cared everyone else welcomed us to the church. Inside the church there was no hymn books, Cal said that only a few of them could read. The church ceremonies were very different then the way we did it in our church. It was a little bit weird that we were the only white people there but I got used to it. It was a good experience.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 5 pg105

Today was the first day I had to read to Mrs. Dubose. I had to read to her because of the controversy over Atticus defending Tom Robinson. While I was reading to her she kept interrupting me to correct me. Mrs. Dubose's interruptions grew farther apart. We looked toward the bed and saw that something was wrong with her. The alarm clock went off and scared us to death. Jessie, Mrs. Dubose's assistant, came in and made us leave, she said it was time for her medicine. I have to read to her every week and it is not going to be fun.

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 4 pg 64

This morning when I looked out the window and it was snowing. Scout was yelling that the world is ending but Atticus told her that it was just snowing. We had never seen snow before but I knew what it was. School got cancelled for today, they said it has not snowed in Maycomb County since 1885. I wondered how you could make a snowman, Atticus had no idea either. I wouldn't let scout walk on the snow in our yard because it would waste it all. Instead we went to Miss Maudie's yard to play in. Me and Scout took snow from her yard and built a snowman made out of dirt and snow. It was pretty fun, I wish it would snow more often.

Monday, March 9, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird Movie vs Book

There are several differences between the movie and the book. One major difference was the scene when Dill and Jem tried to communicate to Boo Radley. In the book they tried to leave a note in his window. In the movie they tried to look in the window. Then when they ran away and Jems pants got stuck, they left out the part when Atticus made Jem explain were they were. 
A second major difference is Tom Robinson's arm. In the book his arm was crippled in the movie they didn't mention anything about it. In the book when Tom was shot while trying to escape they said he would have made it if he had a normal arm. In the movie they left that sentence out. The movie and book were different in several parts.

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem 3 pg 59

Today we were walking back home from school when we saw something white in the tree knothole. Scout reached in and pulled out two small images carved in soap. One looked like a boy and one wore a dress. She was frightened by the similarities of them to us and threw them to the ground. I picked them up and saw that they were very good, I had never seen soap carving this good. I realized that the dolls were us. Now we just had to figure out who did them. There was the possibility of Mr. Avery or Miss Stephanie Crawford but they weren't this good. I threw them in my trunk and left them there.

Friday, February 27, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem

Today Scout found some stuff in a tree knot-hole at the Radley house. We had no idea were it came from, but someone was definitely placing these things here. Scout had found some gum in it a couple days ago. We came up with the idea that we would keep the stuff we found in the knot-hole until school started again, them we would ask the kids if it was theirs. I thought that this was very weird. Who would put all this stuff in a tree knot-hole near the Radley house?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem

Today we met a kid named Charles Baker Harris but was called Dill. Dill had white hair, blue eyes and was from Meridian, Mississippi. He was visiting Maycomb County this summer with his Aunt, who was Miss Rachel. Dill was fascinated with the Radley place and gave us the idea of making him come out. Dill was a lot of fun and would probably come back next summer.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee ch 1-3

The story is about a two siblings, Jem and Scout, that live in Maycomb, Alabama. Over the summer they hang out with a boy they call Dill, who stays with his aunt in Maycomb over the summer. They tell Dill about one of the neighbors that never comes out of his house, his name is Boo Radley. Dill leaves Maycomb and heads back to Meridian, Mississippi. Scout looks forward to going to school for the first time but when she gets there she does not want to go back. Ms. Caroline, Scout's teacher, does not handle children very well. She tells Scout not to read with her father anymore and Scout does not like that. During school Ms. Caroline asks to see all the kids lunches and she notices that Walter Cunningham does not have one. Scout tries to stand up for him but it doesn't work. Jem invited Walter to dinner and Walter hesitantly agreed. Also during the school day a bug jumped out of Burris Ewell's head. Ms. Caroline tells him to leave school and wash his hair. Burris informs her that he wouldn't be back, he only comes to the first day of school, this is what the whole Ewell family does. After school Scout tells her dad what happened at school and how she doesn't want to go back. Atticus, Scout and Jem's father, tells Scout she has to go to school and makes a deal with her that they will still read without the teacher knowing if she goes to school.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Lamb to the Slaughter M. Maloney 5yrs later

Mary Maloney feels guilty about killing her husband throughout all the five years. When she looks back at what she did she feels that it wasn't worth it and should have just let him leave. The nights are rough, she can't sleep and she has tons of nightmares. Sometimes she even has thoughts of suicide. Mary often fantasizes about what her life would be like if she did not commit the murder. She thinks of herself meeting someone who she could of had a happy life with. After the five guilty years she feels that it would be best to turn herself in to the police. Mary calls Mr. O'Malley, the detective on the case, and requests to meet with him. When they meet Mrs. Maloney tells him everything that happened. Mr. O'Malley is horrified by what she did and feels like a fool that the evidence was the lamb that he ate. Mrs. Maloney went to court and was sentenced to ten years in prison. Now that Mary Maloney has confessed what she did she feels a lot better with herself and can actually sleep without any nightmares.