Friday, February 27, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem

Today Scout found some stuff in a tree knot-hole at the Radley house. We had no idea were it came from, but someone was definitely placing these things here. Scout had found some gum in it a couple days ago. We came up with the idea that we would keep the stuff we found in the knot-hole until school started again, them we would ask the kids if it was theirs. I thought that this was very weird. Who would put all this stuff in a tree knot-hole near the Radley house?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird - Jem

Today we met a kid named Charles Baker Harris but was called Dill. Dill had white hair, blue eyes and was from Meridian, Mississippi. He was visiting Maycomb County this summer with his Aunt, who was Miss Rachel. Dill was fascinated with the Radley place and gave us the idea of making him come out. Dill was a lot of fun and would probably come back next summer.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee ch 1-3

The story is about a two siblings, Jem and Scout, that live in Maycomb, Alabama. Over the summer they hang out with a boy they call Dill, who stays with his aunt in Maycomb over the summer. They tell Dill about one of the neighbors that never comes out of his house, his name is Boo Radley. Dill leaves Maycomb and heads back to Meridian, Mississippi. Scout looks forward to going to school for the first time but when she gets there she does not want to go back. Ms. Caroline, Scout's teacher, does not handle children very well. She tells Scout not to read with her father anymore and Scout does not like that. During school Ms. Caroline asks to see all the kids lunches and she notices that Walter Cunningham does not have one. Scout tries to stand up for him but it doesn't work. Jem invited Walter to dinner and Walter hesitantly agreed. Also during the school day a bug jumped out of Burris Ewell's head. Ms. Caroline tells him to leave school and wash his hair. Burris informs her that he wouldn't be back, he only comes to the first day of school, this is what the whole Ewell family does. After school Scout tells her dad what happened at school and how she doesn't want to go back. Atticus, Scout and Jem's father, tells Scout she has to go to school and makes a deal with her that they will still read without the teacher knowing if she goes to school.